give. go. engage
As a church, we believe God has commissioned us to spread love, compassion, and support to those who need it most worldwide. It’s our heartbeat and purpose to be bringers of help and hope. In our upside-down kingdom, we follow Jesus' lead by giving, serving, and caring for all. We do this by teaming up with local and global organisations to make a difference in vulnerable lives.
You are invited to be part of the change, and make a "Faith Promise," pledging financial support for our missions partners over the next year.
But hey, it's not just about the money! We're all about building relationship, speaking up, and showing some practical love and care to those in need. We’re passionate about expressing love for all with purpose, dignity and hope - and together, we're turning the world upside down!
our mission partners
Youth Alive Tasmania
Youth Alive exists to reach teenagers with the truth of God’s love, raising up youth leaders and resourcing youth ministries. Your giving will help support the running of the Youth Alive ‘Main Event’ in August 2024. We expect to see thousands of Tasmanian teenagers hear about a life overflowing with hope, future and purpose all found in a relationship with Jesus.
Christian Surfers Tasmania & Indonesia
This year your support will enable both our local Christian Surfers arm and Indonesian mission to share the good news of God’s love to the “tribe” of salt-soaked souls. CS is a collective movement of surfers with one goal- that every surfer and surfing community has the opportunity to know and follow Jesus.
Fostering Hope
In the next 12 months, your giving will support the Fostering Hope team to raise awareness in the Child fostering sector that is currently attempting to find safe and supporting environments for 1,200 Tasmanian children. A significant part of Abundant’s contribution helps Fostering Hope run their mentoring program for children in out of home care.
Compassion Indonesia
In the next 12 months your giving will release Compassion Indonesia to host programs specifically aimed at child development and advocacy for children living in extreme poverty. In a practical sense, this looks like after-school programs, home support, education, nutritional and medical support for both children and their families.
Free to Be
Your Missions’ pledges have the power to impact Kolkata (a city of 15 million people) in numerous ways, namely facilitating child-centred community development projects, along with nutrition and education programs in 7 unique slums. In addition, we support sewing classes, computer and basic literacy education for women, teens and kids, as well as supporting FTB social workers. Your giving will radically improve the community's capacity to protect children.
Operation Christmas Child
Each year, stacked shoe boxes filled with toys, educational supplies, toothbrushes, soap clothes and treats, provide a tangible expression of God’s love to children in need all around the world. This simple act of love to an unknown child is always accompanied by the Good News of Jesus in their own written language and a village gospel presentation that takes these gifts and adds faith and hope to our love.
Abundant Life Church Community Care
Your Missions’ pledges have the power to bring the hands and feet of Jesus to our local community. This provides practical and crisis care, together with family support, and facilitates connection opportunities such as schools and community programs along with outreach events.
Abundant Life Christmas Outreach
These annual outreach events have the opportunity to reach our local community with evangelical invitations through Kilo of Kindness food hampers, and family Christmas events.
Indigenous Bible Translation Support
Bible Society Australia is committed to helping Indigenous Australian’s open The Bible in their heart languages. Your support will help BSA coordinate and fund workshops and provide expertise through translation consultants. To further the work of Bible translation, BSA supports the training of local Bible translators through the Nungalinya Theological College in Darwin.
Sue and Geoff Smith
Sue and Geoff Smith are honoured as heroes of the faith, carrying out remarkable work in caring for people with the love of Jesus across South Asia. Due to the sensitive and often dangerous nature of their ministry, specific details are not shared in public spaces. We will have the opportunity to meet and be ministered to by Sue and Geoff in May, where we know we'll be impacted by their faith, love, gentleness, and commitment to some of the most broken people on our planet.
HelpKids builds strong relationships with parents and care givers to support, educate and encourage families as they face the challenges of poverty. They provide family-based, alternative care for orphans and vulnerable children, a community and medical centre, and training for women. Based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Hanan Life Ministries International
HLMI is based in Nabikoote, Uganda and aims to alleviate poverty in all its forms—physical, relational, spiritual, and creational—by offering hope and a future to the vulnerable. They offer church services, feeding programs and practical training in skills like urban farming, poultry raising, brick-making, and tailoring. They host a weekly, educational radio program to eastern Uganda.
AOG World Relief Vietnam
Calvin and Rebekah Windsor are Australian missionaries serving in Vietnam. As field workers with ACCI Missions & Relief, they lead AOG World Relief Vietnam, a Christian non-governmental development organisation. This year, we are especially excited to partner with them in supporting families of children with severe disabilities. By providing mobility aids, we can impact not only the lives of these children but also uplifting their families and demonstrating God's love to the wider community.
Destiny Rescue
Destiny Rescue enter some of the darkest places on the planet to find and rescue children trapped in sexual exploitation or trafficking. Your giving will help support the funding of a raid, to see more children set free from sexual slavery.
sign me up!
March 15-16, 2025
with special guest, Ps Jack Hanes
Abundant Life Church, TAS
Abundant Life Church are excited to announce their first ever Missions Conference!
Hosted across 2 days with special guest Ps Jack Hanes from Imagine Nations Church, the conference promises to inspire and challenge all on how to give, go and engage with the cause of the poor, vulnerable, oppressed, marginalised---- EVERYONE / EVERYWHERE.
Missions Trips
In 2025-2026 we have several opportunities to participate in a mission’s trip and experience first hand the work we are supporting across the world.
If you are interested in being a part of one of our future teams please fill out the expression of interest form below.