upcoming events
“I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink…a stranger and you welcomed me in” - Jesus
As a Church, generosity and giving is part of who we are and what we do. For many decades, our Church has given faithfully to causes and needs across the globe. This year, we felt that we needed to bring something new and fresh into our Missions. We wanted to be reminded again of why we do what we do, and bring some new partners for us to get excited about!
Friday night: Just for our youth! We will be teaching on what the Bible says about generosity and providing an opportunity for our young people to give financially to our missions partner organisations.
Saturday: We will enjoy some times of worship, extended ministry and teaching from Ps Jack Hanes, , a truly inspiring leader when it comes to Missions and giving. We will also have some panel sessions where you will get to hear first hand from some of our Missions Partners and have the opportunity to make your own mission giving ‘Faith Promise’. Our kids will have their own EEkids program and will also be taught about generosity and service.
Sunday: Another inspiring and challenging morning of teaching and ministry with Jack Hanes, followed by a fundraiser BBQ hosted by Revolution Youth!
This conference is designed for all ages and stages of faith! We will be having a Youth rally on the Friday night and a full kids program throughout the weekend to challenge and inspire our young people on how they too can be generous. Whether you are a seasoned missions giver or just interested in finding out more, you will get something out of this! We believe that all believers are commanded by Jesus to look out for the needs of those less fortunate, and that includes all of us!
Yes you can! Please click on the ‘register’ button to register for Saturday night only or email us at hello@abundant.org.au for more info. Sunday morning’s sessions is free and no registration is required.
We will have a full EEkids program for the Saturday day (10am-230pm) and Sunday day (10am-12pm) for ages 1-12 years. Your children are welcome to come in for the Saturday evening sessions and kids packs will be provided.
The full Conference program is $30. Our Saturday night session is $15. Kids and Youth (U18) are free!
Yes of course! Everyone is welcome. It would be our joy to host you and share our heart for Missions with you!